Friday, April 30, 2010

Another windchime

I made this windchime last night. Still working on getting it to hang straight.
Noah and I went for a walk along the Eno River the other day and found some nice stones, so I will work on them next.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Another vase

Here is a vase that is made of the same kind of stone as the candleholder with the black/gray beads. It has some sort of quartz or other shiny mineral in it that makes it sparkle. I love it!


Here's a photo of the windchime I made this weekend. I used a stone that had split when drilling it for a vase. I love using beads with the stones. I think it is a great opportunity to compliment the stone's colors.

Stones, stones everywhere!

My house is being overtaken by stones--I have stone vases, candleholders, paperweights, a windchime and a suncatcher. I've even made a few stone statues that I have placed in my yard. You see, my Dad has always been a creative and industrious person. For as long as I can remember, he's had a project going that involved making something. For a while now, I think even years, he's been making these beautiful vases made out of slate. The concept is pretty simple--you take a stone that is fairly flat and not too thick, 1 to 2 inches maybe. You drill a 1 inch hole in the middle of it. Then you attach a saucer to the bottom and insert a pin frog into the saucer. You have to make sure the saucer is waterproof and that you properly seal the space between the saucer and the stone, so that the vase doesn't leak. Then, voilĂ , all you need is a few flowers to make a beautiful centerpiece. If you like conversation pieces or one-of-a-kind decoration, then this is the way to go. You won't find any such vase at your local flower shop or craft store. You will be the only one of your friends to have one. Anyway, so I've talked to my dad lots of times about how he makes them, and brainstormed different ideas for expanding beyond the vase. In the few months I've been working with the stone, I've not only made vases, but lots of candleholders and paperweights. This week, I also made a windchime. It's hanging on my back porch. My dad also makes lamps. I haven't been able to find the right stones for that kind of project, but I hope to soon. His lamps are pieces of art and one-0f-a-kind. I'm going to post photos of some of the pieces I have made. Like I said, I have them all over my house. Our dining room table is a mass of stone. Later this spring, I hope to set up a table at a local craft fair and try selling them. Who knows how they will go over, but I think it will be a fun experiment. Enjoy the photos. I'd love your ideas, comments, suggestions. Thanks.